So… Somehow, someway, the Jewish Single Malt Whisky Society is in the final running for three separate, “2012 Drammie” awards!!
The Categories are we are in are:
- Category #6 “Best Whiskey Information Source (Blog, Podcast, Magazine or other)”
- Category #8 “Best New Whiskey Related Product (i.e., book, resource, web site, etc)”
- Category #10 “Independent Whiskey Bottler of the Year”
As a whisk(e)y website & blogger, I must say that I am honored that you’d vote for me to be in the final running of the Drammies – thank you for your votes and I hope you’ll vote for me again in the second and final round – click here to vote now (remember, categories #6 & #8)!
As an Independent Bottling Company – being on the short for “Independent Whiskey Bottler of the Year” has us (Jason Johnstone-Yellin, Seth Klaskin and myself) elated, honored, pleased-as-punch, excited and confused that we’d be in the running seeing as we’ve not yet released our whisky!! The others in the running have been around much longer than us so it would make far more sense that one of the four others claim that prize!
Please feel free to vote for us again in the final running for the 2012 Drammies (however, again, the four others may be more qualified to claim that prize) – click here to do so (remember, category #10).
We thank you for the votes and view your support as a compliment to: our company launch, our vision and marketing campaign. Furthermore, the Jewish Single Malt Whisky Society receives your kind support as a challenge, too. We have *a lot* to live up to and aim to please our members every step of the way.
The whiskies that we have chosen for our Summer 2012 release are nothing short of stunning. Should you be interested in joining the Society and gain access to the whiskies we’ll be releasing, click here for information – we look forward to having you as a member!
Thank you/Todah Rabah/Merci Beaucoup/Gracias/Danke/ممنون