Yosef Yitzak ben Fievel Ephraim v’Dinah Sarah haCohen. Yup, that’s my Hebrew Name.
Basically is says/means:
Yosef Yitzak (Me) ben (son of) Fievel Ephraim (father) v’ (and) Dinah Sarah (mother) haCohen (of the priestly tribe; a descendant of Aaron, brother of Moses. Yes THE Moses.)
While my Hebrew name, heritage and bloodline has nothing to do with whisky, I mention it as there is a connection to how Jews identify as being part of a tribe and how Scots identify as being part of a clan and having a particular tartan that represents their clan.
So we’re not talking about 50ml mini whisky bottles for the 12 tribes of Israel. No, we’re here to discuss something that makes a little more sense when it come to single malt SCOTCH whisky: Keys to the Clan — a 48 bottle collection of 48 different Scottish Clans. Scottish pride, heritage and tartans, people!!
While I can’t say I can claim any right as a Clansman of one of the many, many Scottish clans, I can surely understand ones identification and pride to be part of ones given clan (or tribe in my case).
Are you Scottish with perhaps the last name of Campbell, Johnstone, Keith, Douglas, Davidson, Murray, Mitchell, Young, etc, etc., etc… ? Well, I may make you a happy person right now in telling you that you can get a fine little mini filled with 8yo single malt (distillery unknown), bottled at 40% ABV, with your clan name and tartan on the bottle! Perfect for nipping on, or perhaps a wedding, stocking stuffers and more.
Here is a list of the 48 Clan bottles:

It’s a very cool idea that is *just* starting here in the US and is being imported by ImpEx. If you have interest in these minis, you should be able to get your hands on some from The Whisky Shop San Francisco.
Review to follow in the coming days…