Chicago, IL – 47% ABV – $50

Those regular to my blog (and those that are friends via my Facebook group) know that it’s been a LONG time since I *really* blogged about whisk(e)y. Heck, lately, I’ve had some good reasons. In particular, a certain thing has been taking up my time, you know? Well, this has kept me busy too!
We live in a modern age where I can tell fewer fart and di¢k jokes leading up to my whisky review. I know this makes you sad and it makes me a little sad too.
Soon I will get back on the longer-review wagon but, until then, I’m launching a new semi-regular series called “Speed dating with Whisk(e)y!”
The idea is that each step in approaching a whisky is like a little mini-date. I will give you my notes as I move from nose to mouth and then to finish and also give you an idea of how I am feeling about the girl, I mean whisk(e)y, as I am experiencing the hooch.
Moving forward in this series there will likely be less pictures involved…
Let’s go!
On the nose (Date # 1) – She’s really showing me her quality! Melons, big old melons!
I mean, I can smell melons as well as a bit of papaya. Turning now pineapple and cinnamon spice.
This one is quite fruity and most inviting (note: this is very much unlike many American whiskeys I’ve experienced)
On the mouth (Date # 2, I’m hopeful here! She’s not like all those other girls) – Mouth filling and sticky sweet. Like french kissing a lollypop.
Banana forward here (hey, size doesn’t matter here, put that thing away!).
Tropically-and-fruitily sweet with star-bursting spice.
Finish (Date # 3: The deciding factor)– Short in length but there is an interesting note of hot mint chocolate cocoa.
In sum (The decision)– I think I might have a glug-buddy in this one. Sure, I’m not going to marry her but we’ll have a lot of fun together.
If you enjoy adventure in your whiskey, this one is well worth your time!
Special thanks to the folks at Koval for the sample!